Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Working in a Workbook Part I

Hi Friends how are you; I know that I am come back after a long time, I am extremely sorry for this incontinence.

Today I am ready for written about how to work with a work book.

Let start to use a workbook for manipulating data stored in various worksheets.

Moving between worksheets: -

Now I think all of you could understand about workbooks. Actually when you are open a excel file (example: - “.Xls”, “.CSV”, etc) that means you open a workbook which contain multiple sheets. In Excel you can open multiple workbooks so you must be known about how to move between worksheets easily. First thing which you must be known that for working with a work book you must be activate the Workbook.

To activate an opened workbook, do this:

1) From the menu bar select the window menu

2) Then from the list of opened window select the name which you want.

To activate a window by shortcut menu, do this:

1) Press the combination key of Ctrl + F6 and switch between open workbooks easily.

Inserting and Deleting Sheets: -

When you starting working with a workbook you will want to insert or remove sheets as per your requirement. Excel gives you a great flexibility to insert or remove sheets.

Inserting a sheet: -

You can insert a new sheet in the workbook at any location you desire.

To insert a sheet in to your work book, do this:

1) Activate the workbook you want to insert a sheet

2) Select the sheet before which you want to insert a sheet by clicking its sheet tab

3) Click on the insert menu and choose the Worksheet.

To insert a sheet in to your workbook by shortcut key, do this:

1) Activate the workbook by pressing the key combination of Ctrl + F6

2) Then by pressing Ctrl +PgDn or Ctrl + PgUp select the sheet tab before which you want to insert the sheet

3) Then press Shift + F11 to insert a sheet.

Deleting a sheet: -

To delete a sheet from a workbook; do this:

1) Select the sheet you want to delete

2) Click the Edit menu then choose Delete Sheet from it.

Another option is take the mouse pointer on the sheet tab which sheet you want to delete click the right mouse button and then choose delete.

Change the number of sheet in new workbooks:

To change the no of sheet in new workbooks; do this:

1) Click Tools menu then choose Options. A new dialog box is opened which is called option dialog box.

2) Select the option tab from this.

3) Select the Sheets in a workbook: and choose the number of sheets in a workbook.

4) After you set the number of sheets then press OK button.

Note: - A workbook contains 3 sheets in default

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