Monday, November 16, 2009

Writing your own macros

When you recorded a macro, Excel created a module, added it to your workbook and wrote your recorded actions in a procedure belonging to that module.

When you want to write your own code in a new workbook you have to add a module to the workbook. The interface for macro development is called the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Macro modules are displayed in the IDE instead of as a sheet in a workbook (as in versions before Excel 97).

How to Write Macro
Open a New Workbook.

  1. Click on the New button on the toolbar (or select New from the file menu and click OK)
  2. Then in the new workbook from the Tools menu, select Macro and then Visual Basic Editor.
  3. From the Insert menu in the Microsoft Visual Basic window. select Module.
  4. You can change the name of this module. In the Properties window, beside(Name). select the name Module1, and change it to Experimenting.
  5. Now Type sub myfirsttest and press Enter.. Note how the () and End sub are filled in automatically.
  6. Now type step by step instruction between the sub and end sub.
Sub is called procedure you also can use function for it but both are use for different purposes .
If you have a little bit of knowledge about Visual Basic it will help you on understanding and to help VBA code.

For Run your macro goto Run menu in Microsoft Visual Basic Window or press F5

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Simple Input and Output with VBA

You already know how to get input from the user through the use of the Value property of a spreadsheet cell. Apart from that, you can also generate output for the user through the spreadsheet. However there may be times when you want something more dynamic and dramatic way to interact with the user than using a spreadsheet cell. The most common method for gathering input from the user and sending output back is the InputBox() and MsgBox() functions.


The inputbox function is used for prompt and take user response.It uses for take the user response before program execute.

Figure below shows the dialog box.

Now the how you can display a box like this which can get the user input
So following is the code

Sub inputboxexample()
dim myname as string
myname = inputbox("Enter Your Name")
End Sub

Syntax for Inputbox is following
InputBox(prompt[, title] [, default] [, xpos] [, ypos] [, helpfile, context])

Now let suppose we want to take a user input by the help of input box and want to print it on active workbook sheet1 in A1 cell

So the code is following.

sub inputboxexample
dim myname as string
myname = inputbox("Enter Your Name","Experiment")
activeworkbook.sheet1.cells(1,1).value = myname
End Sub

Inputbox is help a programmer in many things it can be use for design a beautiful program. And show it drammatically.


So friend when a user think about a good program. He only think about its dramatically look. Means how the program took input from user. and how it shows the result output.

So for output we can use the msgbox().

For the following output we must be write a code and the code is following

Sub msgboxexample()
Dim myname As String
myname = InputBox("Enter Your Name")
MsgBox "So Your Name is " & myname
End Sub

and when the program prompt for Enter Your Name, write RED DEVIL on the box and press enter.

The syntax of the msgbox()function is following
Msgbox(Prompt, [Button As vbMsgBoxStyle = vbOkOnly],[Title],[Help File],[Context]) As vbmsgboxresult

So friend now you can use inputbox and msgbox function for give your program a drammatically look.

Remember one thing "imagination is more important than knowldge"

VBA grammar.......(Excel Macro) Part II

Today we are going to discuss about few more important things............


Just as in other programming languages. You can use variables. You do not have to declare variables. Visual Basic will automatically create storage for a variable the first time you use it.

Automatically created variables are of type Variant and can contain any type of data---strings, numbers, boolen values, errors, arrays or objects.

For example, the following statement assigns the value 34 to the variable x.
x = 34

Now you may be ask when with out declaration we can use a variable the what is the need for declare it.

So the answer for safety reason we declare variables and its data types.
Declaration habits of variables is help us when we write a long program.

Using Dim

Declaring a variable is to tell the computer to reserve space in memory for later use. As a result your VBA code run much more efficiently. To declare a variable use a Dim (short for Dimension) statement.

Dim var_name as data_type

Data Types

When a data type is declared it means that you have define the kind of value that may be stored within the memory allocated for a variable.

There are many types of data types. which are following

Common Math Operator Used in VBA

Addition +

Subtraction -

Multiplication *

Division /

Exponential ^

Few Examples

Sub example()
Dim myint as integer
myint = 5
end sub

sub example()
Dim marks, c,d
Set marks = Range("A1:B10")
For Each c in marks
if c.value < 40 then
d = d+1
end if
Next c
end sub


Values that don't change should be set up as constants rather than variables. Tis prevents them being changed by accident.

The line Const pi as double = 3.14159
will create the constant pi that can then be used in an expression such as
rtangle = pi/2


An array is a collection of variables that have a common name. For example, we refer a specific variable in the array by using the array name and an index number.

Arrays contain a sequence of variables. Each one is called an element of the array and is identified by an index number.

Dim can be used to declare an array without giving it any values.

a) Declaring arrays

Before you can use an array, you must declare it like a variable in VBA with a Dim or a Public statement. By default, VBA takes 0 as the lower index. You need to specify the number of elements in the array by specifying the first index number and the last index number. The following example shows how to declare the number of days in a week.

Dim NumDays(1 to 7) As Integer

When you declare an array, you can choose to specify only the upper index.

As VBA assumes that 0 is the lower index, the following code both declare the same 100 element array:

Dim MyArray(0 to 99) As Integer

Dim MyArray(99) As Integer

If you want VBA to assume that 1 is the lower index for your arrays, your need to add the following code in the Declarations section of your module:

Option Base 1

We assume the the lower index is 1 from now. The array code above, will now represent a 99 element array

b) Assigning values to elements in an array

Suppose we have an one-dimensional array called MyArray and we wish to assign the value 5 to the 3rd index slot, use the following

MyArray(3) = 5

c) Multidimensional arrays

We have look at one-dimensional arrays. Incredibly, VBA allow you to have as many as 60 dimensions. The following example declares a 50-integer array with two dimensions:

Dim MyArray(1 to 5, 1 to 5) As Integer

You can think of this array as occupying a 5-x-5 matrix. If we want to assign the value 5 to the entry in the 2nd row and 5th column of the array, use

MyArray(2, 5) = 5

In other word, the integer value 5 is stored in (row 2, column 5) of the matrix MyArray

For a three-dimensional array, think of it as a cube. Visualizing an array of more than three dimensions is more difficult. Well you don’t worry about the fourth dimension and beyond as I bet you’ll never use it.

d) Dynamic arrays

So far, we have been declaring arrays with a fixed number of elements. If you wish to declare an array without specifying its size, use

Dim MyArray() As Integer

This is how to create dynamic arrays. Notice a dynamic array has a blank set of parentheses:

To resize the array, you must use the ReDim statement to tell VBA how many elements the array has. Most of the time, the number of elements in the array is determined while your code is running. The ReDim statement can be used any number of times, to change the array’s size as often as you need.

For example if you need to resize MyArray to a 10 x 10 matrix then you

ReDim MyArray(10,10) As Integer

Now you have change the number of elements in a dynamic array. When you redimension an array by using ReDim, you clear all the values currently stored in the array elements.

Using Set

Although Most methods return values some. You cannot assign an object to a variable using an equals sign. Instead, you should use the Set statement, for example,

Set rangeoffset = Range("C1:C5").offset(1,1)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

VBA grammar.......(Excel Macro) Part I

Today we are going to discuss about Visual Basic Grammar. I called it VBA Grammar.


Visual Basic is an object-oriented language. This means that all the items in Excel are thought of as objects. There are more than a hundred of them.
Few Examples of objects are:
The Excel application(the largest object)
A Workbook
A worksheet
A Range
A Chart

A object is just like as noun. A object can contain other objects.

Few Examples.
The above line refer the workbook by name.

The above line refer the range of the sheet1 from the workbook "myexcel.xls".

Sheets("Mysheet") refers to the sheet called Mysheet.
Charts(1) refers to the first chart sheet on the tab bar.


Objects have methods that perform actions on them.
Methods are just like the verb of English Grammar.
We can think about it just like


If you were considering the Range object, then examples of methods would be:

Few Examples


Each object has its own characteristics. In general, properties control the appearance of objects.

Properties are just like Adjective of English Grammar.
Noun.Adjective = value

Object.Property = value

One thing must be remember that each object has its own set of methods and properties.

Few Examples

Range("C3").ColumnWidth = 14
sets the column width of cell C3 to 14.(Excel's default column width is 8.43 characters.)

Range("A1").columnwidth = Range("C3").columnwidth + 5
takes the value of the column width of cell C3. Adds 5 to it. and then assigns that value to the column width of cell A1.

So this three are the most important things in VBA Grammar.

And the other important things which are left for discuss they are

Using Set

Indroduction with Macro in Excel (VBA)

In Excel, you can automate tasks by using macros. A macro is a set of instructions that tells Excel what to do. These commands are written in a computer programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Macros are basically of two types.
1) Recording Macros
2) Creating Macros

Means who don't know anything about Visual Basic he also can record macros for there daily use.
And also who have knowledge of Visual Basic they can write code (Instructions) to tell Excel what to do.

In this blog all of you can find the tricks with macro and a lot of codes for designing macros.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Drawback of Microsoft 1900 Date system.

Today we are going to discuss about the drawbacks of Microsoft 1900 date system.

Microsoft Excel uses two different date systems: the 1900 date system and the 1904 date system. By default Microsoft Excel use the 1900 date system. Microsoft use 1900 date system because the 1900 date system allows greater compatibility between Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheets program such as Lotus 1-2-3.

Drawback of Microsoft 1900 Date system.

The 1900 date system suppose that the year 1900 is a leap year where it is false. due to this every time when we calculate date differences it show 1 day more than actual differences.

Click here for show the actual 1900 calender.
click here for show the Microsoft 1900 date system calendar.

Note:- The 1900 date system suppose that 1st Jan 1900 is the 1 day and the 1904 date system suppose that 1st Jan 1904 is the 1 day. The differences between both date system is 1462 days.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Do you know how excel understand date and time system..........

It is very easy and simple process.
By default excel use the 1900 date system. excel does not calculate any date before the 1900 date system. okay now what is the process. Excel count the date difference from 1st Jan 1900. That means 1st Jan 1900 is the first day according to excel and 2nd Jan 1900 is the 2nd day and so on.

Example:- Let if you entered 7th nov 1983 then the serial value of date will be 30627

Now you can use the datedif function in excel to calculate the differences between two day.

So I hope now you understand that how excel understand the date. In which process excel understand date the process is called serial value of date.

Now you must be want to know how excel understand the value of time.
So it is also simple. Excel understand time as decimal fractions. That means 24:00 or 12:00 AM excel assumed that time as whole number 1.
Example if the time is 18:00 then its value is 0.75.
if the time is 15:00 then its value is 0.625

So now you understand how excel see date and time.
Here we see some example:

If Date and time is 7th Nov 2009 and the time is 20:30 then the serial value is 40124.85417

So my dear friends now tell me if the date and time is 7th Nov 2009 and the time is 24:00 what is the serial value in excel.
If you have any question or comments please send it to me..............

Have a good day friend.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Examples of formulas.....................


Today I am going to share few links with u.
All those links included examples of formulas.........
Every link is important according to my view.....
The more you learn the more you get..........
So the links are bellow..........

so thats it..................a lot of links are available...............but you have to learn and search for it.........

Remember one important thing friends...........
A forumla is nothing more than an equation that you write up. In Excel a typical formula might contain cells, constants, and even functions. Here is an example Excel formula that we have labeled for your understanding.

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