Sunday, December 2, 2007

Introduction of Spreadsheets

We are ready to wright our Second post.

Today We are Know Spreadsheets. First Question is our mind is What is Spreadsheet?

In a Definition we can say ; Spreadsheet is a Electronic tool that can Calculate, Manipulate & Analyze Set of numbers.

Electronic Spreadsheet are widely use for making Reports, Graphs, Charts etc. Spreadsheet also called a Work sheet.

A worksheet is a Combination of Rows and Columns . The Intersection of Rows and Columns is called Cell.

A Cell can hold a number of text strings Formula. A worksheet contain 256 columns like (a b c ...) and 65536 Rows as (1 2 3 ....)

Now u thinks how many Cells are contain in a Worksheet , so the answer is simple (number of row x number of columns) 655536*256 = 16777216

Now a Question is in your mind how we go to Particulars Cells. Suppose I want to go in A1 cell,

that means the cell which intersects between column A, Row 1. As is it if we want to go B3 it means 3rd row in B columns.

Now we are Completely Understand the Meaning of Spreadsheet(Worksheet).

Our next topic which we discus about getting starting with Excel

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