Sunday, July 17, 2011

Use Excel Countif function

Use Excel Countif function when you want to see the count of a specific criteria
appear in a selected range.

For Example :

1.How many times does the name "jack"appear in a list of worker names?

2.How many prices higher than 1000 are there in a given price list?

see this video for reference

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Using multiple criteria with the “OR” functions

Hi friends this Post is Actually Posted by Mr. Amit Kumar. Specially thanks to him. Mr Amit is our new contributor and he is very happy to share his knowledge with us

The function “OR” is used in a same manner like "AND" function, but its meaning is slightly different.
Instead of checking if all its parts is met (as is the case of the “AND” function), it checks if at least one of the criteria inside it is met. If it is, then the whole “OR” is considered met.

Hence, in the following formula:
=IF(OR(C1>80,D1>80,E1>80) , “Good student” , “Average Student” )

Below here is a Demo Video of OR function with IF.

You all can get more information about if statement from the bellow links.

Using multiple criteria with the “AND” functions

Sometimes you need to check more than one criteria with the If statement. You can Use "AND" functions for that.

For example:

Only if the student has grades greater than
80 in HINDI, greater than 80 in English and greater than 80 in ,MATH
only then write “good”, else write “Average”.

A 81 81 81 GOOD
B 80 81 81 AVERAGE

The way to implement such a case is using the “AND” function which will
include all the multiple criteria inside of it.

You can read about more if functions and criteria from the bellow link
IF Statement
OR function with IF
IF function Examples

"IF" statement? - Examples

whenever you want to present some text according to a criteria:

If the criteria is met then present "whatever want to present", in "True Place"
other wise if the criteria does not match than it show second word "whatever you want" in "False Place".

Here you see the Examples:

Using if with Text:
if a house value is higher than 10lac then you write "It is too expensive", else write "It is Affordable"

=if(logical_test,True word, False word) or =if(logical_test,It is too Expensive,It is Affordable)

Using if with Calculations:
If the deposit in the bank is greater than 1lac, then it deserves an interest of 4%, else it get only an interest of 3%.

=if(logical_test,True Value, False Value) or =if(logical_test,4%,3%).

You all can read about more IF statement from the link bellow.
IF Statement
OR function with IF
AND function with IF

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