Saturday, July 16, 2011

Using multiple criteria with the “OR” functions

Hi friends this Post is Actually Posted by Mr. Amit Kumar. Specially thanks to him. Mr Amit is our new contributor and he is very happy to share his knowledge with us

The function “OR” is used in a same manner like "AND" function, but its meaning is slightly different.
Instead of checking if all its parts is met (as is the case of the “AND” function), it checks if at least one of the criteria inside it is met. If it is, then the whole “OR” is considered met.

Hence, in the following formula:
=IF(OR(C1>80,D1>80,E1>80) , “Good student” , “Average Student” )

Below here is a Demo Video of OR function with IF.

You all can get more information about if statement from the bellow links.

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