Saturday, July 16, 2011

"IF" statement? - Examples

whenever you want to present some text according to a criteria:

If the criteria is met then present "whatever want to present", in "True Place"
other wise if the criteria does not match than it show second word "whatever you want" in "False Place".

Here you see the Examples:

Using if with Text:
if a house value is higher than 10lac then you write "It is too expensive", else write "It is Affordable"

=if(logical_test,True word, False word) or =if(logical_test,It is too Expensive,It is Affordable)

Using if with Calculations:
If the deposit in the bank is greater than 1lac, then it deserves an interest of 4%, else it get only an interest of 3%.

=if(logical_test,True Value, False Value) or =if(logical_test,4%,3%).

You all can read about more IF statement from the link bellow.
IF Statement
OR function with IF
AND function with IF

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