Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Working in a workbook part III

Grouping sheets for Editing, Formatting: -

Excel gives you a great flexibility of formatting or reorganizing of your grouping sheets in workbook. That means if you have to same formatting on your three sheets then you don’t want to format the three sheets individually. You can format the three sheets simultaneously for this you must be known about the grouping of sheets. So our today’s matter of discussion is grouping worksheets.

To select a group of sheets, do this;
1) Select the first sheet tab
2) if you want to select the sheets in a adjacent then press and hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and then click on the last sheet tabs in the group the you seen the all sheet tabs between the first and the last sheet become on a group including the same. If you want to select non adjacent sheets then select the sheet first and press and hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click on the other sheet, do this for each sheet tab you want to select.

To select all the sheet tabs point you mouse to the sheet tab and right click of mouse from the shortcut menu click on the Select all sheets….

Scrolling with your keyboard in Excel: -

You also know about how to scroll in Excel with your keyboard. If you think that is like moving or select a cell with you keyboard then you wrong.
For scrolling with the keyboard; do this:
To avoid change your cell selections press the Scroll Lock button on your keyboard. And then you are ready for scrolling with the key combination or individual key the list of key given following.

Key Movement direction

Up Scrolls up to one row.
Down Scrolls down one row.
Left Scrolls left one column.
Right Scrolls left one column.
PgUp Scrolls up one screen.
PgDn Scrolls down one screen.
Alt+PgUp Scrolls right one window.
Alt+PgDn Scrolls left one window.
Home Moves to the beginning of the row.
Ctrl+Home Moves to the beginning of the worksheet.

Using Go Command to move or select a cell (F5);

Hi friend this is my next lesson. I want that any person who read this blog he could understand my blog. That is not a matter he is a beginner or master in Excel. I am also trying to give you all tips.

To use the Go to command; do this:

1) Click the Edit menu and choose Go To ……or press F5. Or press Ctrl+G. The Go to dialog box appears.
2) In the Reference text box, type the cell address or range you want to go to, or select from the Go to: list box the Named location Click OK or press Enter.
3) Click Ok or press Enter.

Tips: - If you want to see the active cell, but you unable to see it in the excel window, press Ctrl+Backspace, the window scrolls to show the active cell.

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