Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Bars of the Window part I

Hi friends how are you. Please pay attention because our topic is Bars. I know that you get excited very much due to the topic. Yes today we are known about the all bars which are normally used in windows. This is the reason why I am given name of today’s topic is “The Bars of the Window”

Let start about knowing how many bars are used in window, and what is the uses of those bar. We are using Excel for describe the bars.

Title Bar: - At the top of an Excel window you can look a bar which is called title bar.

On the left edge of the title bar you look an icon by click on this icon you look a control menu is open, due to which the icon is called application control menu box.

Next to the application control menu box you look the name of the open document is displayed. Example: - Microsoft Excel - My Work.

On the right edge of the title bar three buttons are displayed which are minimize, restore/maximize and close button respectively.

Note: - By double clicking the title bar you can restore/ maximize an Excel window.

Now here is the some important description you should be known about this.

Application Window: - Excel runs in which window this is called Application Window.

Application Icon: - When you open a excel window you also show it on the task bar (I think all of my reader are knows about task bar so why I am not interested to describe task bar.), the task bar button of an application window is called application icon.

Application control icon: - The menu which gives you permission to manipulate the application window.

Mouse Pointer: - The arrow on the screen arrow which is move with your movement of mouse. Mouse pointer is become changed in different condition of work in excel.

Document window: - In which window the Excel Workbook is displayed is called Document window.

Workbook window: - A window within the Excel application window in which a worksheet, dialog box or chart is displayed.

Introduction with the Bars of the window is not complete so I am also discussing about the same topic. Continue……………………..

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