Thursday, November 20, 2008

Renaming the excel columns tab

Hi Friends,

Today we are discussed about how to renaming the excel columns tab label.

Actually you cant rename a columns tab in excel because excel is a spreadsheet program and you cant change the columns label.
We find a lot of questions from people how to rename a columns tab label in excel like A to "my name" column B to "my address" extra.

But due to excel is a spread sheet program you cant change the column header, for changing the columns header you must be used a database program like Microsoft Access.

But by hiding the columns header from excel you can use a excel sheets columns name you want.
For doing this you must be use the row 1 for your heading.

For hiding the columns in excel spread sheet do the following.
Go To: Tool>Option and then select view tab. Then remove the tick from the Row & Column Header. After pressing ok button you see that the row and column header are vanished from the sheet. Now in row 1 and column A you put the name which you want in this sheet.

After hide the row and columns header you put your formula like same as you put in previous.

you also can show a example of the sheet here.

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